We ensure protection against unexpected lawsuits, loss of profits, and reputation damage
Работаем с нестандартными запросами
We will aid in registering intangible assets and ensure their protection is in effect
We will assist in the documentation and registration of intellectual property
Preparation and filing of patents, certificates, and other protective documents
Защита прав на программное обеспечение
Establishing rights to the intellectual property of employees' creative work
Depository services
Structuring and support of transactions
Trademark registration
Находим ключевые объекты интеллектуальных прав
Определяем стратегию правовой охраны
Оформляем документацию
и подаем заявки на регистрацию
We will assist you in defending market positions and resolving conflicts with competitors, counterparties, shareholders, and employees
We will assess the risks, prepare a strategy, and provide courtroom representation to protect your interests
Pre-litigation dispute resolution, conflict mediation
Analysis and adjustment of strategy
Development of defense concept
Recovery of legal costs
Representation in courts of all instances
Risk analysis
Representation in the Chamber for Patent Disputes
Если видим, что у дела нет перспектив, честно об этом говорим
Проводим переговоры с оппонентом, чтобы решить конфликт без суда
Добиваемся реального исполнения требований по решению суда
Выступаем в российских
и международных судах
Анализируем спор и предлагаем пути решения конфликта
We will explain what intellectual property is, how to prevent information leaks, and how to register rights to intangible assets
We will train your employees in working with intellectual property
12 live broadcasts with experienced lawyers
Corporate online course
5 weeks of theory and practice
8 modules from the fundamentals to intricacies of intellectual property
Development of internal documentation
Identification of risks in the field of intellectual property
Protection of ideas and technologies within the company and in the market
Negotiating deals involving intellectual assets
Совмещаем лекции и живые эфиры спикеров с ответами на вопросы
Собираем полезные источники: статьи, книги, онлайн-ресурсы, памятки и образцы документов
Выдаём сертификат о прохождении обучения и удостоверение о повышении квалификации
We will provide assistance in compiling documents for investors and entering the international market, as well as reducing the risks of idea or technology theft
We will conduct an audit, streamline business processes, and prepare you for entering new markets
Structuring business processes and establishing internal rules
Selecting a sales strategy and exploring methods to generate revenue from IP assets
Corporate and international structuring
Protection against industrial espionage, safeguarding trade secrets (know-how)
Execution of investor transactions
Audit: We assess the alignment of intellectual assets with the client’s objectives
Resolving relationships with partners
We help reduce expenses for maintaining an in-house legal department and provide skilled legal support
We take current legal tasks for outsourcing
Structuring business processes and exploring new areas
Providing support in negotiations and handling deals with clients
Formalizing relationships with employees
Addressing current legal tasks: licensing procedures, document drafting
Development of internal documentation
Handling urgent tasks: a suit is filed or changes are made to tax exemption terms
Закрепляем сотрудника, который всегда на связи. В сложных случаях подключаем команду юристов без дополнительных трат
Берём на себя потоковые задачи, которые сложно оценить по трудозатратам
Описываем пул работ и выбираем вариант оплаты: фиксированная или почасовая
We provide support throughout all stages of your business
Conceptualization of a new product
  • Registration of intellectual property and execution of documents with authors
  • Choosing a method of protection
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Verifying the clearance, risk assessment
  • Provision to the investor
  • Formalizing relationships with developers
  • Investment agreements and other contractual models for raising investments
  • Registration and support of project companies in Russia and abroad
  • Settlement of corporate relations
  • Ensuring the rights to key assets are retained by the project company
  • Due diligence with respect to the assets of the project financed
Registration of rights
  • Preparation and issuance of title documents
  • Accounting and management of intangible assets
  • Ensuring the issuance of patents and registration of rights
  • Applying tax benefits
Putting into production
  • Documentary support of technology implementation
  • Contractual settlement of relations with the manufacturer
  • Consolidation of rights to deliverables
  • Protection against industrial espionage
  • Choosing a sales strategy
  • Certification
  • Risk assessment
  • Intellectual rights assessment
  • Closing relationships with investors